Thursday, May 26, 2022

Do not let your hearts be troubled

Do not let your hearts be troubled.
Sometimes we need to repeat it…and repeat it…and repeat it again.
“Do not let your hearts be troubled.” In a world of chaos, confusion, heartache, and heartbreak this is - for some the equivalent of being told to “calm down.” It’s rarely effective.

But, this statement of Jesus is worth unpacking because - no matter where you stand with God - no one wants a troubled heart.
First off, notice that Jesus speak of a plural “hearts”. We need to be reminded that we are not alone - or that we are not meant to be and do not need to be. In the midst of the struggles of this world, we are called to be in community for support and encouragement.
Then, note Jesus’ next statement; “You believe in God…”. Perhaps, when heartache and heartbreak overwhelm us we need to declare these words. Perhaps, when a friend or loved one is struggling we need to declare these words. Not as a question, but as a declaration; “You believe in God!”
Financial struggles? You believe in God!
Relationship strain? You believe in God!
Spiritual battles? You believe in God!
Emotional turmoil? You believe in God!
Physical ailments? You believe in God!

And finally, don’t stop short of Jesus’ overall message (and the context). ”Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God! Believe also in me.” Why? Because, as Jesus reminds us in the next verse “…in this world you will have trouble (remember that) but I (Jesus) have overcome the world (celebrate that).

Life sucks sometimes. But I believe in God!
And I hold true to faith in The One who has overcome the world. And since He has overcome the word, He can help me overcome anything that this world brings about.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Brutality of Slavery

Read the first few chapters of Exodus and you will recognize the enslavement and oppression that the people of God had to endure in Egypt. You will see the unfolding of God’s providential plan to rescue and redeem His people as He leads them to freedom. And you will read the words of encouragement and promise that God speaks to His chosen people as He reveals His plan.

“Therefore, say to the people of Israel: ‘I am the Lord. I will free you from your oppression and will rescue you from your slavery in Egypt. I will redeem you with a powerful arm and great acts of judgment. I will claim you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God who has freed you from your oppression in Egypt. I will bring you into the land I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I will give it to you as your very own possession. I am the Lord!’” (Exodus‬ ‭6:6-8)

These are words of encouragement, words of hope, words of promise, and words of redemption. How will the people of God respond? 

So Moses told the people of Israel what the Lord had said, but they refused to listen anymore. They had become too discouraged by the brutality of their slavery. (‭‭Exodus‬ ‭6:9‬)

I sometimes wonder if the people of God - today - often “refuse to listen anymore” and then God reveals His message and sends someone to proclaim it among us. 

I sometimes wonder if the people of God “refuse to listen anymore” because they have “become too discouraged by the brutality of their slavery”. 

We must...
...recognize the enslavement and oppression that exists in our world today and acknowledge the areas that we are personally enslaved.
...admit before The Lord the areas of discouragement that we deal with in life and confess to The Lord the brutality of the slavery that we are enduring.
...listen closely to the voice of The Lord and for the message from The Lord, ensuring that it lines up with Scriptural truth and the known character of God.
...walk in obedience with The Lord, faithfulness to The Lord, and confidence of The Lord every day; being encouraged by His Word and His Church around us.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


My daughter went out to ride her bike in the parking lot. I watched her through the window for a few minutes and then turned my attention away. Looking back two minutes later I saw her bike parked in the driveway but she was not with it. 


Minutes later I still did not see her so I opened the front door and called for her. 

No answer. 

I walked to the back door, opened it and called for her. 

No answer. 

Walking through the house, back toward the front door, I called for her. 

No answer.  

Stepping out the front door, into the driveway, I called for her. 

No answer. 

Scanning the parking lot, the front yard, and the side yards, I called for her.

No answer.

Running to the back yard, looking in the pool and into the woods, I called for her.

No answer.

Back inside, frantically running from room to room, I called for her.

No answer.

Through the front door again, panicked in the front yard, I called for her.

No answer. 


Turning toward the swing set there she now stood - smiling and waving - without a word.


So I asked;

Did you hear me call for you?

Why didn’t you answer me?


And I wondered;

How often does God call for me?

How often do I hear Him call?

How often do I answer Him?


Tuesday, July 16, 2019


This morning I sat down to enjoy the National Prayer Summit leading into #GC19 and I had difficulty concentrating. Three things are keeping me from giving my full attention; I am tired, I am cold, I am hungry. 
Yet, as I strive to focus, to listen, and to pray this morning, it occurs to me that these are not simply physical struggles for me right now. 
I am spiritually tired. O God wake me up to Your desire for my life and You desire for Your Church. 
I am spiritually cold. O God light the “fire” of Your Holy Spirit within me, my prayers, and Your ministry through me.
I am spiritually hungry. O God feed me through Your Word, Your Spirit, and Your Church.
What might be keeping you from focusing, hearing, and responding to God today?

Monday, July 8, 2019

I Need Help

I went to lunch today. At the moment I walked in the individual working was already complaining to a customer.
She was hurried and rude as she took my order. She told the woman in front of me; “We just opened so you’ll have to wait for ice”. A gentleman came in after me and she yelled; “I’m all alone back here, it’s going to be a while”. Several minutes later a young man walked in and she yelled; “Oh no, we’ve had too many customers. Either you’ll have to wait or the food is going to suffer”.
It wasn’t until later, when a co-worker came in that I came to understand that she was upset because she was there all alone. 
I don’t share this to complain but, instead, to share a thought.
Do we sometimes complain those we are called to serve because we are feeling overwhelmed? Do we sometimes hurry and rush those that we are called to share with because we feel overburdened? Do we sometimes yell at those that we are called to help rather than taking our needs to the one that can come along side us and give us peace and lift our burdens? 
If you are feeling overwhelmed or overburdened today, God cares and can help. Perhaps He is simply waiting for you to call out to Him for assistance.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Farmers Need The Rain

Record rainfall has flooded many roads and fields. And, inevitably, someone calls out in ignorance “but the farmers need the rain”. 



It is true, the farmers need the rain. The farmers need the rain to prepare the ground for the planting of the seed. The farmers need the rain to nurture the plants and help them grow throughout the season. The farmers need the rain to prepare for the planting and for the harvest. But, there comes a time when the farmers do not need more rain. 



It occurs to me that - just as rain is God’s preparation for the ground and nutrients for the plants preparing them for harvest - Bible studies within The Church prepare The Church for the planting of seeds - evangelism - and for nurture Christians as we grow and mature in our faith. 



But, just as there comes a time when the farmers do not need more rain, there comes a time when The Church does not need more Bible study. There comes a time when believers must open the doors, walk out into the world and begin to sow the seed of God. There comes as time when The Church must plant the truth of Jesus into the lives of those that are lost, hurt, and in need. There comes a time when Christians must help make the fields ready for harvest. 



This is the call on The Church today.

Monday, June 17, 2019

The Wait

People are waiting 8, 9, 10, 11 hours - in the rain - for the newest roller coaster at Universal Studios in Orlando. And most of these people are saying that the ride is  “totally worth the wait”.



What are you willing to wait for? 



So often we talk about the things that we want - that we need - that we are desperate for. But are we willing to wait? Are we willing to ask - to seek - to labor - - and to wait? 



What are you desperate for right now?



What are you waiting for right now?



Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. (Psalm 27:14)