Sunday, May 15, 2011

Testimony in Terms of Sin

I recently finished reading D. Michael Henderson's "Making Disciples One Conversation at a Time" and very much appreciated the insight and knowledge that he brought to the subject of evangelism and discipleship. But it was one particular quote that caused me to stop and contemplate my walk with Christ;

“I groan when I hear Christians give their testimonies in terms of sin. It’s like a man speaking at his own 25th wedding anniversary talking about all the girls he gave up to marry his wife. ‘Yes, I remember the day when I forsook all others and took only to her.’ Get over it, man. Tell me about the quality of your relationship, the family you’ve reared the things you’ve accomplished as a team.”  (pg. 178)

The point is, being a follower of Jesus Christ is no more a system to manage sin than marriage is a system to control adultery. But so many are living this way, rather than expecting a constant, daily victory over sin, rather than experiencing the relationship with Christ, the joy of walking with Him, and the triumphs of accomplishing His will, they muddle through as if this is what Christ intended when He said in John 10:10, “I have come that you may have life,  and have it to the fullest.”

We, as followers of Christ, have to move past this idea that following Christ is just about overcoming sin and we have got to start walking with Him and experiencing Him fully.

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