Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Life of Freedom

The escaped prisoner is still on the loose (see previous post for more information) and he is reported to still be in the Robinson area.

My wife and I went driving around town this afternoon. As we did I could not help but notice the absence of people - especially children; very few people walking down the sidewalk, no one playing at the park, very few people out in their yards.

It occurs to me - as I sit in my living room, all of our doors and windows closed, not allowing our children to go outside - that many are acting as prisoners in their homes today. Many are sitting behind closed - some locked - doors in fear and apprehension of what could be.

The same is true for many as they live their lives in fear; so many are lacking the knowledge, so many are lacking the hope, so many are lacking the freedom that can be found in Christ.

And those of us that have the knowledge, understand the hope, and have experienced the freedom that is found on Jesus need to be sharing His truth with those  who are so desperately in need.

No one needs to live a life of fear!
No one needs to live a life of hopelessness!
No one needs to live a life of imprisonment!
Jesus has set us free!

Let us get out and share His truth with the world.

Be Alert and Stay Focused

The escaped convict from the prison is still on the loose (see previous post here). I wrote before that I was not afraid, I was not apprehensive, I was not fearful.

Last night my wife reminded me that I had forgotten to lock the car doors and she thought that it would be a good idea if I did. I walked out into the darkness of the night (with both the front porch light and the driveway post light shining brightly), the entire twenty feet from our front door to our car door I looked around as if someone were going to attack at any moment. After pushing the "lock" button and shutting the car door I began to walk confidently back toward the front door of the house. Just as I reached for the door knob the car let out a loud "BEEP"! As I quickly turned the door knob I was sure glad no one else was around to see the panic on my face and the hop in my step through the door.

Even today, as I put the dog out, take the trash out, walk over to the church, and do many of my routine actions, I would not say I am afraid, I would not classify it as fear. I would, however, admit to anyone that I talk to that I am on guard.

Knowing that this man is on the loose, that he has attacked an armed guard, and that he has made his way across town - probably coming straight through our neighborhood. I would freely admit that I am on guard. And this guy has no idea who I am or where I live. He does not want to attack me or my family. He is not my enemy and yet, here I am, alert and on guard against him.

Yet, the Bible states that we do have an enemy that is waiting to attack us and Peter  gives us - as believers - some instruction; Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith... (1 Peter 5:8-9).

What does this mean? It means that Satan is our enemy and he is plotting, he is planning, he is waiting - prowling to get closing, crouching in the shadows - for the most opportune moment to attack and devour you. Satan is looking for the moment that he can attack, eat you up, spit you out and move on to his next victim. And we are to be clear-minded and sober - not allowing anything else to take our focus off of Jesus - not allowing anything else to cloud our judgment. We are to be sober and alert - on guard - so that we can resist the attacks of our enemy and stand firm in Christ Jesus.

There is Comfort in Safety

Yesterday morning an inmate escaped from the prison in the town that we live in. He has been on the run for more than 23 hours now. Over the past 23 hours police offices, sheriff deputies, and state troopers have been called in from all of the surrounding towns, cities, and counties. SWAT teams, U.S. Marshals, and other law enforcement personnel have also been called in to join the "hunt". We have seen multiple police cars zipping up and down the street, officers posted at the various intersections around town, dogs searching vehicles and homes in specific areas around town, and the very noticeable search helicopters flying above our city with search lights turning about.

The schools went on "lock-down" twice yesterday, the students were held for an extra hour before being released, and busses were loaded with a police officer before sending children on their way home.

Both of the city parks were closed and cleared out yesterday afternoon with every person being questioned and every vehicle being searched.

Two of the trailer courts in town were evacuated and a thorough search through homes and vehicles - with dogs and officers - was done.

Reports are flying about on the television, newspaper, internet, telephone, and - of course - by word of mouth. Many stories are circulating of how this gentleman escaped, who is to blame, whether he is armed, where he was last seen, and what he is wearing.

But, in each and every report - as far-fetched as they are - the advisement is the same; "Stay inside, lock your doors, lock your cars, and do not approach this man. If you see him, call 911 right away."

Last night we went to bed and locked our doors - we do every night. We went to bed with the sound of hovering helicopters above our home. We went to bed with the sight of search lights circling our home. We went to bed with many different reports on the location and danger of this man.

But, although some thought was given to my own safety, I wasn't primarily worried about myself. I was worried more for my family - my wife and three young children. We were sure to pull them a little closer to our bed last night. I was sure to check the locks on the doors, and then recheck them, and then check again. I was sure to turn on all of the exterior lights around our home. And, I was sure to sleep with one eye open. Again, not because I was worried about my own safety, but because I worry about my family.

We woke today to hear that this man I still on the loose and that they have called in more search dogs and more U.S. Marshals to search and find this man. I do hope they find him soon!

There is something comforting about knowing that your family is safe. There is something comforting about being able to sleep knowing all is well.

As I thought about this situation this morning it occurred to me that the same is true when it comes to our faith in Jesus, our salvation, and our eternity. There is something comforting about knowing that your family is safe. There is something comforting about being able to rest knowing all is well.

Perhaps you need this comfort for yourself today. You need to assurance that you have been saved and that your future is secure.

Romans 10:13 states that; "Everyone who calls on the name of Jesus will be saved."

Acts 4:12 states that; "Salvation is found in no one else [but Jesus], for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved."

See, there is something comforting about knowing that you, that your family, and that your friends are safe. There is something comforting about being able to rest knowing all is well.

If you have never made this commitment to Jesus, I invite you to do so today. If you have, I invite you pray for and make an attempt to share the message of Jesus with all of your friends and family members.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Teaching: God's Faith through Spiritual Gifts

1 Corinthians 1:4-7
·         Enriched in every way
·         Do not lack any spiritual gift

The Corinthians church had all of the spiritual gifts that they needed to live the Christian life, to witness for Christ, and to stand against the paganism and immorality of Corinth. But instead of using what God had given to them, they were arguing over which gifts were more important

Do we understand this passage?

We must not miss this; God has equipped you with every spiritual gift that you need – know that believe it, and stand faithfully on it. We must not miss this and we must not allow others to miss this; God has given us all that we need.

Before we start talking about spiritual gifts though, we must understand that God has given us all that we need to live the life He has called us to live – that is perfection in Him
         All that we need to know about Him is in His Word
         All that we need to obey Him is in His Spirit

Romans 12:4-8
·         One in the body of Christ – we belong to one another
·         We are call to use our gifts generously, diligently, and cheerfully

1 Corinthians 12:4-11
·         Different kinds of gifts, service, and works given by God
·         Gifts are given for the common good, just as God determines

God gives us every spiritual gift we need – we do not lack any
         God gives us spiritual gifts as He determines
         God gives us spiritual gifts so that we can build up His church
To use these spiritual gifts effectively we must;
1.      Realize that all gifts and abilities come from God
2.      Understand that not everyone has the same gifts
3.      Know who we are and what we do best
4.      Dedicate our gifts to God’s service
5.      Give our gifts wholeheartedly – not holding anything back

Our role – then – is to be faithful and to seek ways to serve others with what Christ has given to us.
         And to assist others in the church in doing the same with the spiritual gifts that God has given to them.

1 Corinthians 1:4-9
·         God, who called you into fellowship with Christ is faithful

Hebrews 10:23-24
·         Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess
·         God, who promised, is faithful
·         Let us consider how we may spur one another on
·         Let us not give up meeting together

2 Timothy 2:11-13
·         God is faithful even when we are not

1 Peter 4:7-11
·         Use our spiritual gifts to serve others.
·         Use our spiritual gifts faithfully administering God’s grace

·         Praising God for the spiritual gifts that He has given to us,
·         Praising God for His faithfulness,
·         Asking for discernment in the body regarding our spiritual gifts,
·         Asking guidance in the use of our spiritual gifts.

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
·         God is faithful to sanctify you (set you apart for sacred use)
·         God is faithful to keep you blameless until the end

Monday, August 26, 2013

Missing My Jr. Reading Partner

I made a commitment to read through The New Testament during month of August. Not a huge or weighty commitment - it comes out to 9-10 chapters per day. 

Our daughter also started back to school this month which has brought with it an earlier bedtime. Several days this monthour daughter  has had difficulty going to sleep. 

Late one night, as she sat with me in my recliner, I began to read my Bible. Not wanting to keep her up I began to read to myself. It didn't take long before she asked me to read aloud to her. So, we began in Acts and I read aloud to her as she went to sleep.

The next night we put her to bed, tucked her in, prayed with her, and said "good night". less than twenty minutes later she walked out with her blanket, ready to hear the second half of Acts read to her. 

This has continued night after night. I have looked forward to this every night this month as she walks out to me or calls for me to read, saying; "where are we going to start reading tonight". 

As I said, I have looked forward to this every night this month. But tonight, I am out of town and I am missing my jr. reading partner.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Trials at Walmart

Every week I preach about peace, patience, love, and a attitude that mirrors that of Jesus Christ. However, every week I also find myself at the local Walmart department store where these very qualities are being tested!

First off, I hate to shop, not because I don't have time to shop, but because shopping is not enjoyable. So, unless I am in need of something specific I will not be out shopping. Further, if I am in need of something specific I will head for the closest parking spot and take the quickest and most direct route to the product I am in need of and then take the quickest and most direct route out.

Combine this general hatred of shopping with a department store where the isles are barely wide enough to fit two carts side-by-side, a department store that has built a niche of "end caps" - meaning that the narrow isles are all that much narrower, and a department store where, on average, one checkout lane is open for every six people desiring to "checkout", and my peace, patience, and love begin to fade way.

Then, you top this off with the numerous people you will encounter on a typical trip to Walmart - not to pick on any particular group of people - and I have quite a bit of trouble mirroring an attitude like that of Jesus Christ.
  • Just the other day I watched someone push their cart directly into a parked car, shrug their shoulders and then walk off.
  • Last year I saw a woman spit in a man's face before getting in her car and driving away.
  • Yesterday I woman was walking in the crosswalk as I sat waiting, she stopped and stared at me, threw her hands in the air and yelled "what are you looking at?".
  • A month or so ago I came upon a guy working on his car in the middle of the parking lot, in the middle of an isle - I had to cut turn around and go out the wrong way because he blocked the entire isle.
  • Some time back a group of kids on Razor scooters came out of nowhere and I almost picked one of them off.
  • Once I saw three teens laying in  the middle of the parking lot after dark - two of them wearing black shirts.
  • I can go on, and on, and on...
I believe - half-joking here - that Walmart is what Satan uses to tempt me and to try me in the way I respond to others. Several times my wife has had to remind me that I am a Pastor in this town and - on any given Sunday - the people that I encounter at Walmart could walk into our church.

So what do I do? Rather than getting frustrated in the isles or the checkout lane of Walmart, rather than yelling at or injuring some of the people in the Walmart parking lot, I simply send my wife!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Religion and Morals

 I have to admit that as soon as I saw this picture on my facebook story line, it upset me.
As often as I tell people that Christianity is so much more than a religion - in fact I have stated at times that Christianity is not a religion at all, but that it is something entirely different - I have to admit that when I hear the word religion I often think of the way I worship God.
As often as I tell people that following Christ is not about religious actions - but that it is about having a relationship with The Almighty God that created us, loves, sustains us, sent His Son to redeem us, and wants to spend forever with us - I have to admit that when I hear the word religion I think of the way I live my life in a way that brings honor to Christ.
See, this picture and the message in this picture is not an attack on God, it is not an attack on Christ, and it is not an attack on Christianity or Christians - although it may be directed at all of these. This message is an attack on religion and religious practices. And, the truth is, we do not need religion to have morals. But, the above message is only half right - in my opinion. If you can't determine right from wrong than you lack God. The full truth is that the only reason any of us have the ability to recognize what is right and what is wrong - the only reason we have the ability to know how we are to act when we are facing right and wrong situations - is because God has instilled in each and every one of us this ability.
But, perhaps that is the issue that The Church has had is that we have endorsed wrong motives, wrong practices, and wrong actions in the name of religion. We have acted in the name of religion rather than acting in the name of Jesus.
See, there were many people who did not agree with what Jesus taught - yet none could claim that He lacked empathy and love. There are millions of people who don't agree with the what The Church teaches and what The Bible states and yet The Church finds themselves acting in ways that are not in line with what Jesus taught and what The Bible states.

We do not need religion to act in love. What we need is Jesus!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Clinging to Worthless Idols

Currently we are walking through the book of Jonah during our Sunday morning worship services with the focus of "God's heart fro the lost". Last week we looked at chapter 2. One of the key verses from this chapter that speaks of God's heart for he lost is verse 8;
Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them.
Not only do we turn away from God's love for us, we also turn away from His grace and mercy for us. Likewise, when we cling to worthless idols we turn our love and attention away from God. In addition to this, we turn our love and attention from others that surround us.

What does it mean to "cling" to something? It does not simply mean that we turn our attention to it, it means that we choose to continually remain close and attached to this object. And, what is a "worthless idol"? It is any object of worship that is of little or no value. See, we all have "worthless idols" in our lives that we need to be free of. This passage does not speak to those worthless idols that have caught our attention, tempted us in some way, or even those worthless idols that we have worshiped from time to time. This passage speaks specifically about those worthless idols in our lives that have become so important to us that we have begun to cling to them, we have made the choice time after time to remain close to them and to remain attached to them.

And we have a choice - each and every one of us - to be free of these worthless idols. We have been given this choice - this opportunity - to be free of these worthless idols through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and through the power of His Holy Spirit - Christ's gift to us.

God's heart for the lost is a heart of salvation, a heart of redemption, a heart of forgiveness, a heart of compassion, and a heart of love. God's heart for you is crying out that you would be free from the worthless idols that have kept to prisoner for far too long.

Won't you do away with these worthless idols in your life and turn to The One who died to give you a new life and a new way to live? Won't you today cling to Jesus Christ?

Sunday, August 18, 2013

School Starts

School starts this week with our daughter headed into the second grade, our oldest son headed to preschool. As we prepare to send the kids off to begin another year of school many thoughts - even fears - fill my mind; what will they be taught, will they have good friendships, are they safe, etc.

And, in the midst of these thoughts - and fears - we find comfort as parents. We take comfort in the fact that we can't protect them from everything and we have to let them live their lives. 

The bottom line is that we pray for our children, we teach our children, and we trust our children. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

How To Do Ministry

I have read an awful lot of how-to  ministry books over the years - some of them were flat out awful. 

I read them not because I am looking for the one secret answer to how to "evangelize your community" how "grow the church", how to "preach the best sermons", how to "disciple  new believers", or any other how to we could add on here. I read them to get new insight and opinions on how other churches and church leaders are doing all of these things and finding success in their geographical areas and ministry areas.

Yet, as I read many of these books, it occurs to me that many of the authors fully believe they have the secret for how ministry should be carried out. For some of these leaders it is as if they have the secret recipe that the rest of us have never considered, but if the rest of us would simply take on their approach we would see the lost won, the hurting cured, and The Church would be what Jesus had always desired it would be.

The bottom line is that we need to research and consider what other churches and ministry leaders are doing - considering what is working and what is failing in these churches, and considering what could work and what might fail in our geographic and ministry areas. And, we need to be reading The Scriptures, and praying for God's guidance in the ministry areas that He has called us to and praying for His guidance in His ministry through us.

Then, given all of this we need to do ministry in a way that is practical and reaches those that we are called to reach. Simple as that.

What are you called to speak? How are you called to speak it?
What are you called to do? How are you called to do it?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Authority from God and for God

In each of the four Gospels we read of how Jesus amazed the crowds with His words. He taught with authority!

Matthew 7:28-29; When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law.

Mark 1:27-28; The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, “What is this? A new teaching—and with authority! He even gives orders to impure spirits and they obey him.” News about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee.

Luke 4:31-37; Then he went down to Capernaum, a town in Galilee, and on the Sabbath he taught the people. They were amazed at his teaching, because his words had authorityIn the synagogue there was a man possessed by a demon, an impure spirit. He cried out at the top of his voice,  “Go away! What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” “Be quiet!” Jesus said sternly. “Come out of him!” Then the demon threw the man down before them all and came out without injuring him. All the people were amazed and said to each other, “What words these are! With authority and power he gives orders to impure spirits and they come out!” And the news about him spread throughout the surrounding area.

John 7:15; The Jews were amazed and asked, "How did this man get such authority without having studied?"

I desire this type of authority. The authority that comes straight from God. The authority in teaching God's Word that amazes. 

But perhaps this is the problem. As long as I desire an authority that will amaze other people, I will not possess this type of authority in speaking and teaching the Word of God. 

John 7:16-19; Jesus answered, "My teaching is not my own. It comes from him who sent me. If anyone chooses to do God's will, he will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own. He who speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself, but he who works for the honor of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him.

The desire for authority is not wrong as long as it is a desire for authority from God and authority for God.

As long as it is recognized that God is the giver of such authority.

As long as the authority given brings honor to God and not me. 

Authority from God will only come once I get rid of selfishness.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Gospel...The Church

a quote by author Henri J. M. Nouwen:

The Gospel doesn't just contain ideas worth remembering. It is a message responding to our individual human condition.

The church is not an institution forcing us to follow its rules. It is a community of people inviting us to still our hunger and thirst at its tables. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near

Last week I was reading in the Gospel of Matthew...
Matthew 3:1-2; In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” 
Matthew 4:17; From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”
This phrase - repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near - is used to describe the preaching of John the Baptist and the preaching of Jesus.

This phrase - repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near - is used to describe the message of John the Baptist and the message of Jesus.

Given this fact, shouldn't this phrase be used to describe our preaching and teaching, and the messages that we are speaking to those in need of Christ today? It occurs to me that we aren't hearing this needed message in our churches today.

I tend to step on some toes in my preaching - but perhaps not enough. I asked several in a Sunday School class this morning if my preaching focuses enough on repentance and if I step on enough toes when I preach messages of repentance.

What we need in The Church (universal) today is repentance. 
What we need in our culture today is repentance. 
What we need in our world today is repentance. 

Because the kingdom of heaven has come near - through Jesus Christ - and has brought forgiveness and salvation for all who repent. Because the kingdom of heaven has come near and Christ will soon return to call all those who have repented home with Him. 

So, I encourage us all today to repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near. And, I encourage us all to speak this same message with compassion and love, with boldness and authority, and with Christ's kingdom in mind. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Ants Go Marching...

My daughter is seven years old and often has trouble going to sleep - rather she does not go to sleep easily. One of her favorite things is to have her mother or I sing to her at night as she drifts off to sleep. Often it is a pleasure to sing to her as she goes to sleep but sometimes it becomes a chore or yet another task on top of a pile of others that need to be completed late into the evening. 

Not only does our daughter request (sometimes petition) that we sing to her at night, she also asks for a specific number of songs - usually three - and specific songs to be sung. One of her favorite songs at night is "The Ants Go Marching", and I am convinced that it is one of her favorites because it is such a long song. I'm sure you know the song...
The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrahThe ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrahThe ants go marching one by one,The little one stops to suck his thumbAnd they all go marching down to the ground to get out of the rainBOOM! BOOM! BOOM! 
The ants go marching two by two, hurrah, hurrahThe ants go marching two by two, hurrah, hurrahThe ants go marching two by two,The little one stops to tie his shoeAnd they all go marching down to the ground to get out of the rain
The ants go marching three by three, hurrah, hurrahThe ants go marching three by three, hurrah, hurrahThe ants go marching three by three,The little one stops to climb a treeAnd they all go marching down to the ground to get out of the rain
And on, and on, and on it goes.  But see, it is on the evenings that singing to my daughter seems like more of a chore - as though it is only another task - that I begin to sing this particular song in super-fast, speed-singing version in order to get to the tenth and final verse quicker. 

Last night was one of these nights. In fact I think I made it through this song faster than ever before - start to finish in less than two minutes. And, although I am quite proud of this speed-sung rendition, it struck me soon after finishing it how wrong it was that I had raced through singing to my one and only daughter rather than cherishing this moment and the time I got to spend with her at night. 

And it struck my how I often fall into this same mode whenever I read God's Word, study my morning devotions, and have my prayer and quiet time in the morning. Often I seem to race through these individual and intimate moments with The Lord rather than cherishing the time I have the privilege and opportunity to spend with Him. 

It is not something that I realize, not something that I intend to do, it just seems that everything else that needs to be done comes to my mind and I begin to rush, I begin to hurry, I begin to make my time with God less of a joy and more of a task.  Perhaps you have experienced the same thing in regard to your time with God. Essentially what we do is tell God that He is not quite as important as everything else that might come our way throughout the day.

Now that I have recognized this in my life I aim to spend more time cherishing the things I claim to be a priority - my time with God, my time with my wife, and my time with my children. I aim to pray and seek God's assistance in this as well. What about you, what will you do?

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Crawford County Prayer Walks

A colleague of mine, Pastor Irwin Bales (St. Francisville, IL Free Methodist Church) sent me an email last Sunday; 
A school in TX is being sued because they have allowed people from the community to go onto the school grounds on Saturday before school starts and pray for the school for the coming academic year. The school is standing their grounds: in is not school sponsored and the building is not open. 
I think we should respond by getting our communities together and pray also for our schools, at our schools, on the Saturday mornings before the beginning of the school year at our local schools.
With no mention of this email to my wife, Kim mentioned to me on Sunday afternoon that several of our friends from a church we previous served with in Flora, IN were gathering at the schools - for the second year - to pray days before the children begin the school year. 

Sunday evening I received a facebook message from a friend in Robinson, IL (Brent Urfer) stating that he felt a call to pray for our children and teens prior to the start of the school year and that he was working to organize prayer walks throughout Crawford County to happen on the school grounds. 

Today I received the following email from my friend with details of the Crawford County prayer walks. 
We will not be using church associated vans. We will need to drive cars. We will meet briefly for 5 minutes or less at each place… then divide in groups of 2-3 people, we will be walking like many other people do using the sidewalks, tracks, etc. to do our praying. A signal will be given to move on. We may also stop at some churches along the way, and process as well as develop strategy for the next place.  
Saturday, August 10: New Hebron, Palestine, Hutsonville, Oblong  
Saturday, August 17: Oblong Christian Children’s Home, Robinson, LTC 
We will debrief for the entire event within one week after the meeting on the 17th. That date, time, and meeting place will be decided before the end of the walk on the 17th.
 If you are interested in being involved either of these prayer walks and you are available on the dates noted above, please get in contact with me as soon as possible.

Books of The Bible Charts

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Life Perspective

In Luke 6: 20-26 Jesus gives us a new - or different - perspective for how we are to live our lives on earth.
Looking at his disciples, he said: 
“Blessed are you who are poor,  for yours is the kingdom of God.  Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.  Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man. 
“Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their ancestors treated the prophets.  
“But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort. Woe to you who are well fed now, for you will go hungry. Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep. Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you, for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.
We are blessed when we are poor, and pitied when we are rich.
We are blessed when we are hungry, and pitied when we are well fed.
We are blessed when we weep, and pitied when we laugh.
We are blessed when we are hated, and pitied when we are admired.

This should open our eyes to the way we live today - perhaps we are a bit too selfish or spoiled in what we expect or what we think we deserve. Likewise, this should open our eyes to how we react to the way God answers our every need - being poor, hungry, and hated is an opportunity for us to express joy and store up for ourselves more treasure in our eternal home. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Bit Too Complicated

Sometimes I wonder if we are making things a bit too complicated. I tell people all the time that I am not a very smart person but that I believe this is beneficial to me. See, as a leader in the church I often look at some of the things that we are doing - things that seem to take so much of our time, resources, and attention - and I wonder why we are making everything so complicated.

Late last night I was up watching television when a commercial came on advertising the Bluebird bank card from American Express, Although I have seen this commercial dozens of times, last night the opening line caught my attention.
What if there was a new way to deal with money, that focused less on fees and more on what matters?
As I listened to this commercial I could not help but think about the church and what seems to be a very confused and complicated approach to the church today.
What if there was a new approach to church, that focused less on programs and more on what matters?
As I read the Gospel of Matthew, there are two points where Jesus quotes Hosea 6:6, "I desire mercy not sacrifice" (Matthew 9:13 and Matthew 12:7)

Then in Matthew 15:1-3; "...some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked, “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don’t wash their hands before they eat!” Jesus replied, “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?"

The way I see it, we are either going to break tradition of the modern day church or we are going to break the command of God. We must open our minds to the best ways to reach our culture - while holding on to the commands of God. We must open our hearts to love those who are hurting and in need in the world around us - loving the lost more than we love our church traditions. We must be willing to loose our traditions rather than allowing one more soul to be lost.

Sometimes I wonder if we are making things a bit too complicated. Jesus gave us some very pointed, very direct commands; love God and love people - love one another as I have loved you. So, I encourage us - as the church - to make things less complicated and start reaching the world.

Friday, August 2, 2013

You Do Not Lack

1 Corinthians 1:4-9 states;

 I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way—with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge— God thus confirming our testimony about Christ among you. Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. He will also keep you firm to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Perhaps you have heard this or read it before. But I think that the truth of this passage is so large that we, as believers, must read it again - perhaps read it several times - so that we know it, learn it, and comprehend it. 

Don't miss this; God has equipped you with every spiritual gift you need - know this, believe this, and stand faithfully in this truth. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Stop Acting Like A Church

Perhaps it is because we, as a church, have been focusing on and intently studying the early church from Acts 2 recently; because we have been looking at the actions of the Apostles, because we have been reading the bold and courageous messages of Peter, John, and Paul, because we have been studying the awesome faith and actions of the first believers, and because we have been reading if how The Church grew and progressed through the power of The Holy Spirit.

Or perhaps it is because I met Dr. John and Peace Nuwagaba this morning and had the privilege of talking with and praying with the two of them; because I heard of the way God is moving in Uganda and East Africa, because I listened to the accounts of the bold faith of the disciples and the church, because I heard about the countless baptisms and life transformations in Uganda. 

Perhaps it is all of this and so much more that has stirred, like never before, my desire to see and be a part of a movement of God - a true and lasting revival, that begins with His people and then reaches far and wide to touch those who have never truely met and never actually felt the presence of Jesus in their lives.

I am so tired of watching the church act in fear and apprehension. I am so tired of watching the church act as though we have no power and no confidence.

It is time that The Church step forward with full faith and full confidence that God is all that He claims He is and that He will do what He says He will do. It is time that The Church step forward with boldness and conviction in the knowledge that we have the power of The Holy Spirit working in us and through us and that we have been equipped with every spiritual gift needed to do God's work. 

It is time we stop acting like the church that the world can accept and we start being The Church that Jesus has called and equipped us to be.