Saturday, August 31, 2013

Be Alert and Stay Focused

The escaped convict from the prison is still on the loose (see previous post here). I wrote before that I was not afraid, I was not apprehensive, I was not fearful.

Last night my wife reminded me that I had forgotten to lock the car doors and she thought that it would be a good idea if I did. I walked out into the darkness of the night (with both the front porch light and the driveway post light shining brightly), the entire twenty feet from our front door to our car door I looked around as if someone were going to attack at any moment. After pushing the "lock" button and shutting the car door I began to walk confidently back toward the front door of the house. Just as I reached for the door knob the car let out a loud "BEEP"! As I quickly turned the door knob I was sure glad no one else was around to see the panic on my face and the hop in my step through the door.

Even today, as I put the dog out, take the trash out, walk over to the church, and do many of my routine actions, I would not say I am afraid, I would not classify it as fear. I would, however, admit to anyone that I talk to that I am on guard.

Knowing that this man is on the loose, that he has attacked an armed guard, and that he has made his way across town - probably coming straight through our neighborhood. I would freely admit that I am on guard. And this guy has no idea who I am or where I live. He does not want to attack me or my family. He is not my enemy and yet, here I am, alert and on guard against him.

Yet, the Bible states that we do have an enemy that is waiting to attack us and Peter  gives us - as believers - some instruction; Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith... (1 Peter 5:8-9).

What does this mean? It means that Satan is our enemy and he is plotting, he is planning, he is waiting - prowling to get closing, crouching in the shadows - for the most opportune moment to attack and devour you. Satan is looking for the moment that he can attack, eat you up, spit you out and move on to his next victim. And we are to be clear-minded and sober - not allowing anything else to take our focus off of Jesus - not allowing anything else to cloud our judgment. We are to be sober and alert - on guard - so that we can resist the attacks of our enemy and stand firm in Christ Jesus.

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