Friday, December 27, 2019
Brutality of Slavery
Thursday, August 29, 2019
My daughter went out to ride her bike in the parking lot. I watched her through the window for a few minutes and then turned my attention away. Looking back two minutes later I saw her bike parked in the driveway but she was not with it.
Minutes later I still did not see her so I opened the front door and called for her.
No answer.
I walked to the back door, opened it and called for her.
No answer.
Walking through the house, back toward the front door, I called for her.
No answer.
Stepping out the front door, into the driveway, I called for her.
No answer.
Scanning the parking lot, the front yard, and the side yards, I called for her.
No answer.
Running to the back yard, looking in the pool and into the woods, I called for her.
No answer.
Back inside, frantically running from room to room, I called for her.
No answer.
Through the front door again, panicked in the front yard, I called for her.
No answer.
Turning toward the swing set there she now stood - smiling and waving - without a word.
So I asked;
Did you hear me call for you?
Why didn’t you answer me?
And I wondered;
How often does God call for me?
How often do I hear Him call?
How often do I answer Him?
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Monday, July 8, 2019
I Need Help
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Farmers Need The Rain
Record rainfall has flooded many roads and fields. And, inevitably, someone calls out in ignorance “but the farmers need the rain”.
It is true, the farmers need the rain. The farmers need the rain to prepare the ground for the planting of the seed. The farmers need the rain to nurture the plants and help them grow throughout the season. The farmers need the rain to prepare for the planting and for the harvest. But, there comes a time when the farmers do not need more rain.
It occurs to me that - just as rain is God’s preparation for the ground and nutrients for the plants preparing them for harvest - Bible studies within The Church prepare The Church for the planting of seeds - evangelism - and for nurture Christians as we grow and mature in our faith.
But, just as there comes a time when the farmers do not need more rain, there comes a time when The Church does not need more Bible study. There comes a time when believers must open the doors, walk out into the world and begin to sow the seed of God. There comes as time when The Church must plant the truth of Jesus into the lives of those that are lost, hurt, and in need. There comes a time when Christians must help make the fields ready for harvest.
This is the call on The Church today.
Monday, June 17, 2019
The Wait
People are waiting 8, 9, 10, 11 hours - in the rain - for the newest roller coaster at Universal Studios in Orlando. And most of these people are saying that the ride is “totally worth the wait”.
What are you willing to wait for?
So often we talk about the things that we want - that we need - that we are desperate for. But are we willing to wait? Are we willing to ask - to seek - to labor - - and to wait?
What are you desperate for right now?
What are you waiting for right now?
Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. (Psalm 27:14)
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Leadership Confidence
I was preparing to preach from Exodus 13 and 14 this morning - a well known passage detailing the Israelites crossing the Red Sea - when God grabbed my heart. .
Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptian you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” (14:13-14) THEN THE LORD REVEALED HIS PLAN OF DELIVERANCE TO MOSES.
Could it be that God’s deliverance through the Red Sea, utilizing Moses, hinged on Moses’ faith and declaration of victory in God?
We need to be people faith and conviction. We need to be leaders that proclaim victory and deliverance through the Lord’s power even when we do not have all - or any - of the details of God’s plan.
Will we step forward in faith and proclaim victory in God and through God?
Sunday, May 5, 2019
This guy often has trouble going to sleep. When he has trouble going to sleep, he gets bored. When he gets bored, he peels the paint off of his wall. When he peels the paint off of his wall, he gets in trouble.
This evening he was having trouble going to sleep again. I sat with him as he stared at the wall and he told me how much he wanted to peel at the paint but he knew that he would get in trouble if he did. At first I told him to stop focusing on the wall, to roll over and look away from the temptation. Then I asked him if he wanted me to lay down with him - to lay between him and the wall. He said “yes”.
As I laid there, watching him go to sleep and keeping him away from temptation, it occurred to me how necessary it is for each of us to have that person in our lives that we can share our biggest temptations with. We all need someone that is willing to lay everything else down to keep us away from giving in to the thing that will lead us to trouble.
Tonight consider; “Who is “that person” for you?” And, give thought; “Who are you that “someone to?”
Saturday, May 4, 2019
You Are Powerful
God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7)
Many people are going through life fearing what lies ahead - afraid to speak and act - operating in a mode of timidity, uncertainty, and apprehension.
Yet God, through His Spirit, offers a better way; power, love, and self-discipline.
This means that we can - you can - be boldly confident - courageously assured in all things. We are given a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. And we are called and commissioned to use this power to affect others for Jesus - in love - and to live a life of obedience to Jesus - through self-discipline.
Today, own this. Be filled with God’s Spirit. Be powerful. Be loving. Be obedient. Be self-disciplined.
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Could it be
I started my day praying with a woman who has dealt with severe pain these past few months. I prayed with her as she told me of the pain that she will be facing in the days to come.
Midway through the day I found myself in a dentist chair receiving treatment for pain that I was personally dealing with - a shooting pain that would not subside.
Late this evening I received a call from a man who shared of the ongoing pain of grief that he faces with each evening as he lays down and tries to get some sleep.
Pain. It’s not enjoyable but it is inevitable.
Pain is the alarm that screams “something is not right”. Pain is the red flag that signals “I have had enough”.
We each deal with pain in life because we live in a world flooded with sin - a world of selfish desires - a world that is not our home.
Pain is the continual reminder that we are hurting. Pain is the continual reminder that treatment is needed. Pain is the continual reminder that we incomplete.
Let us be reminded - by our pain - that eternal hope, healing, and wholeness is ours in The Lord. Let us celebrate our pain - as we are reminded of eternal glory.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Family Devotions
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Before I was, You were
God, my Father, before I was, You were.
Before I was formed, You knew me.
You spoke my life into existence.
You knit me together in the womb.
You spoke my life into existence.
You speak all things into creation.
You have wonderfully made me.
You created me in Your very image.
Before I was born, You consecrated me.
You know the plans you have for me.
You protect me with Your right hand.
You comfort me with Your rod and staff.
You prepare a table of blessing for me.
You are my help, You sustain me always.
You have given me all that I ever need.
Before I knew right, You died for me.
You laid down Your glory and put on flesh.
You served in humility and lived in poverty.
You showed grace by loving your murderers.
You came for the powerless and sinful.
You freely gave Your life to pay my debt.
You are the perfect eternal sacrificial lamb.
Before I speak, You know my every word.
You have searched my heart and mind.
You know me fully and completely.
You known when I sit and when I go.
You know when I sleep and when I rise.
You know my thoughts from afar.
You know my needs when I am unsure.
Before I knew You, You chose me.
You have made Yourself known to me.
You surround me with Your presence.
You go before me preparing my path.
You fill me with Your love, joy, and peace.
You empower me through Your Spirit.
Your Word is a lamp to my footsteps.
Before I chose You, You chose me.
You accept me just as I come to You.
You called me Your friend and Your son.
You trust me to bear Your great name.
You call me to partner with You in ministry.
You gave me the ministry of reconciliation.
You give me an eternal inheritance.
Before the world was formed, You were.
You are good.
You are perfect.
You are love.
You are eternal.
You are righteous.
You are all I need.