Friday, December 9, 2011

A Bill For 20 Cents

Nothing says "we love and miss you, please come back to church" like a bill for 20 cents.

Allow me to explain. A couple months back I ordered some simple postcards with the church name, information, and message on them. These, I thought, could be sent to connect with members and guests and to convey a quick and inexpensive note of love and appreciation.

After mailing a handful a couple days ago, several were returned. The issue, I found out days ago was that a postcard stamp would not cover the full cost of mailing them, instead it would cost an additional 20 cents per postcard.

What troubled me was that one was not returned. Where had it gone? Apparently it was delivered to a family that stopped attending our church months ago with the additional postage due upon receipt.

Again, nothing says "we love and miss you, please come back to church" like a bill for 20 cents.

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