Thursday, December 1, 2011

Do Not Fear

It has been several months since our three-year old son had his mouth washed out with soap. It was the one and only time he tasted soap and it seemed to be the only solution for his new habit of biting anytime he was agitated or aggravated. And, although this discipline occurred several months ago, he seems to be living in fear that we will wash his mouth out at any time. Tonight, in fact, he broke out crying in fear that I would wash his mouth out with soap.

Fear was something I spoke about this past Sunday. The shepherds first response to the glory of God was fear or terror (Luke 2). Yet they had no reason to fear the glory of God, and neither do we! We are called to fear God out of reverence but not out if sheer terror of Him.

But, it seems to me that some people - even those who have believed and trusted in God for decades - seem to live in a state of fear. This does not make sense to me and I don't believe that God desires or appreciates this state of terror from His creation and His children.

In our world today we have plenty of people, places, and situations that we are told to fear. Yet the message of God is clear this Christmas; "do not be afraid, for I bring you good news of great joy".

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