Friday, December 2, 2011

Take Time

This past fall we focused on prayer within our church. As I said to our church family; God desires for us to be people of prayer. God desires that we desire to talk to Him - to communicate our wants and needs to Him. God desires that we desire to listen to Him - to have Him communicate to us.

There is much to be said about prayer, much that is stated in the Old and New Testaments, and much that God continues to reveal to us today. I believe that prayer must be at the heart of our local churches and that prayer must be the pulse of Christ's worldwide Church.

Allow me to pause this thought for a moment, I'll come right back to it.

Our current teaching series looks to the shepherds who first heard the message of Christ's birth. (Luke 2). The amazing thing is that God picked these shepherds, who had been despised by much of the religious community, to be the first to hear the amazing news. Many reasons can be given for why God chose this group. As Max Lucado writes; "God goes to those who have time to hear Him - so on this cloudless night He went to the simple shepherds".

Let me say this; take time to hear God this Christmas season, allow the glory of God to come to you as you worship, pray, and celebrate Him.

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