Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Jesus Timeline

We just began a teaching series on Sunday evenings - "Journey Through The New Testament". Below is part of the outline from week one  - "The Gospels". This is a brief (limited) timeline of Jesus' time on this earth according to the Gospel accounts.

Autumn, A.D. 28:
          Jesus left Nazareth and went down for Him baptism
          Right after His baptism He went into the mountains to be tempted by Satan
          Then He went back to Salem, and then to Cana
          The first disciples were from there – John, Andrew, Peter, Philip, and Nathaniel

Spring, A.D. 29:
          The first miracle was at the wedding in Can
          Jesus then moved to Capernaum, where he established His base of operations.
          While Jesus was at Passover in Jerusalem, Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews, came to Him at night and Jesus explained the need to be “born again” (John 3:16)
          This was about the time of John the Baptists last testimony
Winter, A.D. 29:
          Jesus met the woman at the well at Sycar
          Jesus went back to Cana and healed the son of a royal official
          Jesus healed a man at the Pool of Bethesda

Spring, A.D. 30:
          John the Baptist had been imprisoned in  Jerusalem
          In Galilee, Jesus began to broaden His public ministry
          At the synagogue, in Nazareth, Jesus read from Isaiah and the townspeople tried to throw Him off of a cliff
          Jesus left Nazareth and went back to Capernaum
          There He called four more disciples
          Peter's mother-in-law and a leper were healed
Summer, A.D. 30:
          Jesus healed a paralytic in Capernaum
          Matthew was called
          Jesus and His disciples picked grain on the Sabbath
          Jesus healed a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath
          Jesus preached the sermon on the mount 

Fall, A.D. 30:
          Jesus healed a blind and dumb man in Capernaum and was accused of doing this by the powers of Satan
          From this point on Jesus spoke publicly only in parables
          The seven kingdom parables in Matthew 13 were spoken
          The people accused Jesus of being Satan
          Jesus rebuked the storm
          Jesus encountered the demonic man in the region of the Gadarenes and permitted the demons to go into a heard of pigs
          The disciples went back to Capernaum

Winter, A.D. 30
          Jarius's daughter is raised
          A woman with an issue of bleeding was healed
          Two blind men and a dumb man were healed
          Jesus arrived back in Nazareth and opffened people.
          John the baptist was beheaded
          The Apostles were sent out in pairs
          Jesus returned to Capernaum

Sprint, A.D. 31:
          The twelve apostles returned to Capernaum
          Jesus then returned to Bethsaida, which became a major base
          Jesus fed 5,000
          Jesus walked on water and returned to Capernaum
          Jesus preached His sermon on “the Bread of Life”
          Jesus was accused of eating with unwashed hands
          Jesus went to the region of Decapolis
          Jesus healed a deaf and dumb man and fed 4,000
          Jesus went to Magdela where the Pharisee's demanded a sign
          Jesus took a ship to Bethsaida where he talked about the yeast of the Pharisee's
          Jesus traveled north to Caesarea Philippi
          Jesus went up on the Mount of Transfiguration
          Jesus healed a possessed boy and returned to Capernaum
          Jesus went down to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles where He declared Himself to be the Living Water
          He forgave a woman of adultery and returned to Galilee

Winter, A.D. 31:
          The Samaritan's rejected Jesus
          Jesus went to Perea, east of the Jordan and presented several parables
          the good Samaritan, the unrighteous steward, the rich man and Lazarus
          Jesus sent out the seventy disciples
          Jesus traveled to Jerusalem and healed a man born blind
          Jesus stayed at Bethabara

Spring, A.D. 32:
          Jesus traveled to Bethany
          Lazarus was raised from the dead
          Jewish leaders plotted to kill Lazarus and Jesus
          Jesus moved to the village of Ephraim
          Jesus encountered ten lepers and gave a number of parables
          James and John's mother made the request that Jesus make her sons one and two
          Jesus traveled back to Jericho where He healed blind Bartimeus
          Jesus called Zaccheus and presented the parable of the ten talents
          Jesus went to Bethany for His final week – the “Passion Week"

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