Sunday, September 1, 2013

Do you always say what needs to be said?

Sunday, as I was preparing to leave for church, I stopped in the living room to pick up my Bible and my sermon notes. My daughter pointed to my notes and asked me; "What is that?" "These are my sermon notes", I responded, "this is what I think needs to be said in the sermon this morning".
She then asked;
"Do you always say what needs to be said?"
This question of hers has been on my mind all day. Do I always say what needs to be said?
  • Do I always say what needs to be said in the sermon?
  • Do I always say what needs to be said in life?

So, I will pose this same question to you today.
  • Do you always say what needs to be said when someone is in need?
  • Do you always say what needs to be said when someone is hurting?
  • Do you always say what needs to be said when someone is fighting?

Jesus Christ is our answer. He is our hope, He is our salvation, He is our joy. He is everything!
"Do you always say what needs to be said?"

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