Monday, September 2, 2013

God is too Good

I was out of town at a conference this past Monday and Tuesday, which made Wednesday my "Monday". As I entered the church I knew that I needed to start the day in God's Word and with Him in prayer. However, I also wanted to knock a few things off my to-do list.

So, I compromised and began to pray (aloud) as I say down at my desk and, as I prayed, I began to look through the papers on my desk.

Noticing that this was not working, I took another approach. Opening my Bible to Sunday's sermon text, I began to read, study, and make notes for this week's sermon. 

Minutes in, I realized that this approach too was neglecting God. So I walked in to the Sanctuary to pray. When I saw the computer in the sound booth I decided to turn it on, wait for it to boot up, and then I began to take care of some things. 

Moments after the computer warmed up, I recognized that I had onvce again become distracted and, once again, I had lost my focus on God.

Has this ever happened to you? You know that you need to connect with God but you struggle - out of business, a loss of focus, or some other trivial excuse. 

I finally made it up to the front of the Sanctuary. Nothing would stop me now! 

As I turned toward the back of the Sanctuary I caught a glimpse of the attendance board in the foyer -"116" last Sunday. And God's Spirit came over me!

116 in attendance last week! My thoughts, my words, and my cry; "GOD YOU ARE SO GOOD!" Almost ten years ago the average attendance at our church was 16. Now, less than a decade later we are worshiping with 100 more people. 

I could go on and on with the blessings God has bestowed on our church family and on our family. But the bottom line is that "God is good"!

God is so very good! God is so good to our church family. God is so good to my family. God is so very good! 

Words just cannot express this. God is good - far too good to me!

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