Sunday, September 1, 2013

Living a Life on the Run

After almost two days now, the man who escaped the prison is still on the loose (see previous post for more information), I can only imagine what his life has been like these past couple of days - wherever he has been hiding. I can only imagine what the rest of his days on the run will be like - looking over his shoulder all of the time, apprehensive about his next action, cautious about his every move.

Although we can only imagine what this must be like for him, many are living a life on the run, and they are seeking rest and safety somewhere, anywhere. Some have been running for days, months, even years. Your are exhausted and weary - unsure of what lies ahead. 

God is our Sanctuary. God is our hiding place - out refuge. God is our strength and our redeemer. God is our ever present help in times of trouble.

If you've been running, God invites you to come to Him and find rest and safety.

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