Saturday, September 7, 2013

God Show Up

As I reviewed my demon notes this evening - the first in a series called "Be Still" - I read over Psalm 46. And I came to the deep understanding that I have nothing profound to say tomorrow, I have no groundbreaking insight or wisdom to expound, I have very little for the people who come to worship with us tomorrow. Yet, I am still counting on transformation and life-change to happen!

So, tonight - as I stood in our kitchen - my prayer rang out; 
"I need You to show up tomorrow God."
"I am depending on You to show up tomorrow God."
"I am expecting You to show up tomorrow God."

See, no matter who else shows up to worship tomorrow, no matter what is said - or not said, no matter what else happens, we are hopeless - truly lost - without God. So, I am basing everything on God showing up in our worship - in the stillness, in the quiet, in our lives. 

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