Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Bible Study: Welcome the Stranger
2015; A Year of Worship
Friday, December 26, 2014
New Year's Eve Thoughts
Thursday, December 11, 2014
What Will We Do?
This morning I was reading in Psalm 139 - a familiar passage that brought a new thought to my mind. Psalm 139 begins;
O Lord, You have searched me and You know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise; You perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down; You are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue You know it completely, O Lord.
This reminded me that God enjoys watching His children - that He enjoys watching me. Not only is God watching me in moments of joy, triumph, and success. He is also watching me in moments of sorrow, heartache, and temptation. Not only that, He is watching to see the way I will react when things are not going my way and when I am facing opposition.
My children will often look for their mom or I - or they will call out for help - when they are not sure what to do and when conditions are beyond their control. Sometimes, knowing that the situation is getting away from them, I will sit and wait for their call for help. I believe that God also waits for us to call out to Him. Will we recognize that we are unable to handle life alone? Will we recognize that their is a God that created us, loves us, and wants the best for us that is waiting to come to our rescue?
Psalm 139 concludes;
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Instructions To Share A Biblical Perspective With A Disobedient Child
Monday, December 1, 2014
Painting Jesus
An artist once painted a picture of The Last Supper. He took it to the writer Tolstoy for his opinion. Carefully the Russian master of words studied the canvas. Then, pointing to the central Figure, he declared; “You do not love Him.” “Why that is the Lord, Jesus Christ,” exclaimed the artist. “I know,” insisted Tolstoy, “but you do not love Him. If you loved Him more, you would paint Him better.”
How much do you love Jesus?
How are you painting Him - through your love, your words, your actions - in the world around you?
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Morning Star's Fall
Once upon a time everything in the universe was perfect!
There was a good King who ruled from His Throne.
He was worshiped, and there was no one or no thing like Him.
He had one Son and He was just as good as His Father, the King.
When the King was worshiped, His Son was worshiped too.
Everyone in the Kingdom served them – not because they had to but because they wanted to – out of love for the King and His Son.
The Father and Son had raised up three worshipers above the rest; their names were “Gift, Morning Star, and Messenger”.
Everything in the universe was perfect.
When The King and His Son were worshiped, Gift, Morning Star, and Messenger would worship them together with all the other worshipers
Yet Morning Star began to wonder why he wasn’t being worshiped.
And Morning Star began to look down on The King’s Son.
He asked himself why The King’s Son was given more honor than him.
One afternoon Morning Star stood up to the King and to His Son.
Morning Star refused to worship The King and rebelled against Him.
Pride had built up in Morning Star, he thought he deserved to be King.
He told The King to step down, to get off His throne and let him rule.
The King had to cast Morning Star out of the perfect Kingdom where Morning Star remains even today – allowing his pride to control him.
The prophet Isaiah wrote about Morning Star; How you have fallen from heaven,
morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” But you are brought down to the realm of the dead to the depths of the pit. (Isaiah 14:12-15)
Morning Star now goes by a different name – we know him as Satan. Satan tries to tell us that we deserve more than we have. Satan tries to tell us that we are more important than others. Satan tries to tell us that we are more important than God.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
King of the Pride
Monday, October 20, 2014
Jesus' Love in Matthew 9
In His Hometown
Mark 6:4, 6; Jesus said to them, “Only in his hometown is a prophet without honor.” And He was amazed at their lack of faith.
The Paralytic Man
Matthew 9:1-8
- Mark 2:1-12
- Luke 5:17-26
- The man’s faith
What were the results of Jesus’ love?
- The paralytic was
healed and went home
- The crowd was filled
with awe
- The crowd praised God
Jairus’ Daughter
- Mark 5:21-24, 35-43
- Luke 8:41-42, 49-56
What did Jesus tell Jairus to do?
- Believe (Mark and Luke)
What were the results of Jesus’ love?
- The girl was healed and
got up
- News spread throughout the region
The Bleeding Woman
- Mark 5:25-33
- Luke 8:43-48
- The woman’s faith
What were the results of Jesus’ love?
- The woman was healed from that momen
The Blind and Mute Men
- The men’s faith
What were the results of Jesus’ love?
- The men had their sight
- News spread throughout
the region
The Demon-Possessed Man
What were the results of Jesus’ love?
- The man was delivered
from the demon and he spoke
- The crowd was amazed
- Sometimes I wonder what
it is we see when we look at the people that are suffering around us. Do
we look for their faith?
- And I wonder if we attempted to truly love like Jesus loved – the way Jesus calls us to love – if we would see things different
- What affect will our Christian love have on those in our church – our community – our world?
Jesus’ Ministry of Love
Our Call to Love Like Jesus
Tired of The Construction
I don't want to complain BUT...the construction in our town is "driving" me crazy! Main Street has been torn up for over a month now.
there is a huge gulf on
one side of the street that I'm afraid I'm going to catch my front tire on and
flip my car over.
there are those huge
orange barrels that we have to navigate around to avoid
the main traffic light
near our house has been a 4-way stop for a almost a month and you never know
when you'll get stopped by the construction going on and add several minutes to
any trip
many of the turn lanes
through town are nonexistent - either that or the side roads are inaccessible
due to the construction
I think about the construction on Main
Street, and I consider the words of Isaiah 57:14; "Build up, build up, prepare the road! Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people." Then it occurs to me that many of
us try to live our lives in the midst of construction - in the midst of broken
roads, huge orange construction barrels, stopped traffic and traffic jams, and
inaccessible roads.
"Build up, build up, prepare the road! Remove
the obstacles out of the way of my people."
When there is a huge
gulf on the side of the road we operate in fear; fear of what might lie ahead,
fear of being drifting off, fear of crashing.
When there are huge
orange barrels in the middle of the road we are restricted; having to carefully
navigate; change lanes, take detours, restricted to the lanes these barrels
keep us in
When there is constant
construction traffic we are frustrated; we stop moving; we stop growing, we
stop moving
When the turn lanes and
side roads are closed, we lose access; to God's joy for us, God's power in us,
and God's peace over us
"Build up, build up, prepare the road! Remove
the obstacles out of the way of my people."
Build up the road to
– Remove the obstacles in your life
Isaiah 57 goes on to state that:
- God
desires to revive your spirit and your heart (15)
- God
desires to heal you and restore comfort to you (18)
- God
desires to grant you rest and peace (21)
- What are the obstacles in your life keeping you for God?
- Let God remove these obstacles for you.
- Stop living a life of limitation
- Take full access of God’s life for you
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Daily Tasks
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Restore and Revive Us Again
- To meet with Him and know His thoughts?
- To talk with Him and ask Him about His ways?
- To gaze upon His face and see His beauty?
- To stand in His presence and feel His power?
Just as the prophet Isaiah wrote (700 BC), We beg and we plead; God come down from heaven and dwell among us.
And He did. God came down from His thrown in heaven. He spent 30 years living among us as a common man - born of a humble birth, living a humble, ordinary life. He then spent the final three years of His life teaching, mentoring, healing, training, and ministering to those who are desperate in need.
But we were not satisfied. We wanted a King, not a servant. We asked God to come down from heaven and do what He had done in the past – to stand against our enemies – to establish a Kingdom.
Our response was to hand Him over to the highest power we could find so that He could be nailed to a cross, suffocate, and die.
And because He is God in the flesh, He does something amazing, something that we never expected God to do – He died.
Three days later this dead man is not a dead man anymore - He is alive – and He is God. He has taken away the curse – the sin of mankind and He has proven that He has power over sin, over Satan, and over death.
We beg and we plead; God come down from heaven and dwell among us.
He did for a while, but then He left. God ascended back to heaven with the promise of a future gift.
Ten days later – with sound of a mighty wind and the appearance of tongues of flames – God came down from heaven in the form of His Holy Spirit.
But this time He does not simply dwell among us – as we have begged Him to – Now He also dwells within us.
God came down from heaven and gave us help, comfort, understanding, and power.
But, again, we were not satisfied. We wanted a God that we could see – a God that we could understand, a God that we could control.
Our response was fear. We began to shut down and close God's Spirit out. We continued to live our lives without this gift – who is God. We continued to live our lives without this help, this comfort, this power. We continued to live our lives without God!
We beg and we plead; God come down from heaven and dwell among us. And sometimes we wonder why He hasn't.
- Where
is God in our world?
- Where
is God in our churches?
- Where
is God in our lives?
We beg and we plead; God come down from heaven
- On this day, every knee will bow before Jesus – our King
- On this day every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord
- On this day God will establish His Kingdom
Now is the time to make sure that we are right with God,
- That we have a right relationship with Jesus Christ
- That we have a right relationship with His Holy Spirit
Let me invite you to consider these questions:
- Jesus wants to be more than your Savior - to save you from the penalty of sin.
- Jesus wants to be more than your source of eternal life.
- Jesus wants to be your everything - and to provide you with everything.
- Do you have unconfessed sin in your life that you need to seek repentance for?
- God cannot be in the presence of sin
- God
cannot bless you if you have sin in your life
- Have you dishonored God’s Holy Spirit?
- We cannot fully embrace God until we accept all of Him
- God has more in store for you and for your life.
Let us go beyond the plea of Isaiah 64. Let us make Psalm 85 our prayer:
- Now restore us again, O God of our salvation. Put aside your anger against us once more. Won’t you revive us again, so your people can rejoice in you? Show us your unfailing love, O Lord, and grant us your salvation. (4, 6-7)
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
I Think I'll Call My Mom
But, as I think about it now, I haven't called my mom at all this week. She sent me a text message late last week and said she missed hearing my voice. Apparently she too was aware of the increase in the number of phone calls that I gave her last week.