Tuesday, January 7, 2014

37 Pictures To Restore Your Faith

Earlier today a friend of mine posted a link on facebook "37 Pictures That Will Restore Your Faith In Pit Bulls". The title of this article alone got me to thinking and then, as I went to the page and read; "Remember: judge the deed, not the breed" I decided I needed to blog about this.

I have nothing against pit bulls - not anything more than I have against many other animals or breeds of animals. What I take issue to is that people feel the need to "restore faith" in a breed of a dog while the majority of human beings have no faith in God - The One that created and sustains all things.

See, this website - just as it promised - presented 37 pictures of pit bulls along with taglines. So, I took the honor of recreating the website. Let's call this "37 Pictures That Will Restore Your Faith In God". (It might be best to check out the original first in order to gain a point of reference)

1. God is sometimes stereotyped as a uncaring, unjust being.                   

2. Anyone looking at His creation can tell that beneath it lies nothing but love.

3. God cannot be stereotyped by our finite minds.

4. Come on, look at that smile.

5. Unfortunately, God's strength has led to being exploited by humans and fighting in His name.

6. …which is heartbreaking once you realize violence is not in God's nature but merely a consequence of mankind's sin.

7. Because God's Name has been used for war it may require reading His Word and getting to know His true nature.

8. Remember: “God is not bad, but mankind may present Him in bad ways.”

9. God's true nature is love.

10. Let’s stop and talk about this hero who died for those He loved.

Don’t worry! He rose again.

11. God also loves to cuddle.

12. And smile!

13. He has the best smile in the world.

14. The Bible confirms God’s propensity toward “courage and intelligence.”

15. Rumor has it, He gives some pretty grand hugs.

16. And loves and respects His children as every Father should.

17. Did I stop and talk about His smile yet?

18. This should confirm to you that God is love.

19. God simply desires love from humans.

20. He is very polite.


21. And cooler than you’ll ever be…

22. …way cooler.

23. But He’ll hang out with you just the same.

24. Many Christians assert that God has a great sense of humor.

25. He is certainly not foolish though.

26. Hey, remember when this happened? 

And it just kept getting better...

…and better…

And better!   


The love!

Has your heart exploded yet?

Yes, He is real, and yes, He is God.

27. Here He's showing off His preferred method of fighting.

28. One of many examples of God taking part in interspecies friendship.

29. He's actually extremely patient.

30. Which makes Him a great friend.

31. Jesus Christ said, "I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you"

32. God introducing His Heavenly Son to His earthly children fills us up with so many feelings.

33. Basically, God can be your best friend.

34. So maybe we should all think twice before judging God…

35. And give Him the love that He deserves.

36. Can we get once last “Awwww”?

37. Awwwwwww

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