I have been enjoying this device for talking on my mobile phone, becoming more productive while having a conversation. I have also been enjoying the ability to listen to music and podcasts throughout the day.
The other day I left my phone on my desk and, as I walked through the church, I got out of range. As this happened my blue-tooth device notified me, in the most polite way, "your connection has been lost".
Wouldn't it be nice if we had such a notification when we had lost other "connections" in our lives? What if a gentle voice spoke to is when we were loosing connection with our children or our spouse? We could, then, restore the line of communication or spend more time and attention reestablishing this needed connection. What if this same notification came to is when we had lost connection with God? We could be alerted that this essential life-sustaining relationship was strained or broken and take the required steps toward restoration.
"Your connection has been lost." The fact is, God gives us just this type if notification, if we simply listen to it. God's Spirit lets us know when we have walked to far away - or gotten out of range. God's Spirit notifies us when we are in danger of loosing one of the connections in our life. God's speaks to us, daily, at just the right time and in just the right way. But, we must be tuned in, we must listen, and we must take notice when He speaks!
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