Saturday, September 26, 2015

Stand With God

2 Kings 25:1; It was during his reign that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon invaded the country. Jehoiakim became his puppet. But after three years he had had enough and revolted. (The Message) 

Jehoiakim was the King of Judah, in the line of David, through whom would come the Messiah. The Hebrew name "Jehoiakim" means "he whom Yahweh has set up". 

What does it mean that Jehoiakim became Nebuchadnezzar's "puppet"? It means that he served him, bowed to his rule - even his gods. Furthermore, we know that, according to 2 Kings 23, Jehoiakim heavily taxed the Israelites and gave the money to Pharaoh. 

The bottom line is that God desires people that are fully committed to Him, heart, mind, and soul. God is looking for people who will stand for Him, in the good and the bad. 

Will we be a people that stand for God? 

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